Family Support
I am Tina Hill
I have been lucky enough to work at Manor Park for some time and have had involvement with so many aspects of school life.
We recognise the importance of ensuring we have a strong partnership with parents, carers and guardians. We value the involvement of parents in the life of the school and believe that true partnership working between the school and caregivers provides a wealth of benefits to our pupils and yourselves.
We know that it is of key importance that we have constant open communications with our caregivers and I consider myself privileged to be able to be part of that.
Caring for children whilst trying to juggle our economy can be extremely difficult and my role offers an avenue to seek advice and support from not only staff working with your children but from the numerous support agencies we have available to use in and around Dorchester:
Financial/Housing/Bereavement/Additional Food support/Early Help/Support Groups and many more …
If you have a problem and are not aware if or what you can do, then contact me either of the ways shown below or catch me at the school gate. I might not have the answer straight away, but will do my best to point you in the right direction.
Mobile: 07843 106013
Family support email: family@manorpark.dorset.sch.uk