Sports Premium
What is the Sports Premium?
The primary PE and sport premium was introduced in March 2013 to improve the provision of physical education and school sport in primary schools across England. The funding is allocated directly to primary schools and is ring-fenced. This means it may only be spent on improving the provision of PE and sport in schools. In February 2014 the government committed to continue funding until 2020. This was extended into 2021 and any money was allowed to be carried over by the Coronavirus pandemic and the first National Lockdown and money was spent by March 2021. A new budget was allocated for 2022-23 and 24/25 to be drip fed in allowances at intervals throughout the year.
Purpose of the funding
Schools have to spend the sport funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, however they have the freedom to choose how they do this. Possible uses of the funding include:
- Paying for professional development opportunities in PE/sport.
- Providing cover to release primary teachers for professional development in PE/sport
- Running sport competitions, or increasing participation in school games
- Buying quality assured professional development modules or material for PE/sport
- Providing places for pupils on after school sports clubs and holiday clubs
- Ensuring pupils at least have 30 minutes of exercise a day and 2 hours of dedicated PE time in a week. This has had extra importance since the Pandemic.
Manor Park CE First School Vision and 3 i’s
At Manor Park CE First School we are committed to giving our pupils the opportunity to succeed and excel in a range of physical activities. We want our pupils to love being physically active and understand that PE and sport are both fun and an important part of leading an active, healthy lifestyle. We want our pupils to feel confident and secure about their bodies and believe that we provide our pupils with a safe and positive environment which enables them to be inspired and enthusiastic about physical activity.
At Manor Park CE First School we are committed to giving our pupils the opportunity to succeed and excel in a range of physical activities. We want our pupils to love being physically active and understand that PE and sport are both fun and an important part of leading an active, healthy lifestyle.
We want our pupils to feel confident and secure about their bodies and believe that we provide our pupils with a safe and positive environment which enables them to be inspired and enthusiastic about physical activity. This vision embodies our value of love for learning.
At Manor Park, the skills, values and opportunities created through Physical Education play a vital part in the daily lives of our children. Physical activity not only has a positive impact upon academic learning but also the physical, mental and emotional well-being of our children, showing love for each other.
The Physical Education curriculum within the Academy Trust is underpinned through Physical Literacy, inspiring all pupils to thrive and excel in skill, understanding, competitive sport and aesthetic challenges of physical activity.
Engaging in a broad and balanced PE curriculum, enables all pupils to grow in competence and confidence, being challenged to embrace roles beyond the learner such as umpire, coach and official. PE also provides plentiful opportunities to build and mould character, embedding key transferable values such as equality, teamwork and respect which can be applied throughout the curriculum, showing our 3 core values.
Imparting an appreciation of school sport provides all children with a sense of belonging, witnessing the power of sport in bringing together not only school but also the local and global community through various sporting events. The range of skills and activities delivered including; athletics, games, dance, gymnastics, OAA (Including our year 4 residentials) and swimming allow children to explore a range of positive experiences, which provide a healthy foundation to build upon instilling a life-long understanding of the benefits of an active lifestyle
The Academy Trust upholds the government requirement of delivering a minimum of 2 hours of physical activity per week. PE planning is underpinned by the Get Set for PE scheme, which allows for purposeful learning, modelling of key skills and self-exploration of rules and tactics across a wide range of key focus.
In addition, children are provided with ample opportunities to develop skills through a well-populated extracurricular timetable, delivered by school staff with sports / activities changing on a termly basis.
External agencies are also brought in to provide staff CPD and widen the opportunities available to our school community.
We aim to ensure that KS1 pupils:
Master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and coordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities.
Participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending.
Perform dances using simple movement patterns.
We aim to ensure that KS2 pupils:
Use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination
Play competitive games, modified where appropriate [for example, badminton, basketball, cricket, football, hockey, netball, rounders and tennis], and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending
Develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance
Perform dances using a range of movement patterns
Take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team
Compare their performances with previous ones using subject specific language and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best
Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
Use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]
Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations
Get Set has unified the teaching of PE throughout the school and is showing progression of skills in principle. This will need to be continued to be monitored, however thus far, it has had a major impact on the quality and uniformity of PE across the school. Teachers feel empowered and confident in their teaching and benefit from detailed planning with clear outcomes.
Teachers also now have more of an overview of PE. Through use of the progression ladders, teachers identify the year on year incremental steps of skill being taught in order for children to access and fulfil active participation in games in the later years at Manor Park.
For example, Ball skills became Rugby, Netball or Golf.
Fundamentals become Gymnastics and dance.
Pupils are exposed to a rich curriculum of different sports which foster a Love for learning in sport, increased participation (and we know this from our clubs/attendance at sporting events) and a positive impact upon pupils' health and mental well being inside and outside the classroom.
We have attended many tournaments and festivals including football and Tag rugby for the past 2 years as well as holding our own Miles for Mosaic, a charity fundraiser walking a combined 26 miles as school as part of the Dorchester schools area.
Our sports coaches from PH sports have been well received thus far from pupils and staff. Children are enjoying their PE lessons and are enthusiastic about sharing their thoughts. Children enjoy the range of activities provided, opportunities for self evaluation throughout the session and the opportunity to select their level of challenge- meaning all learners can access the key skills at their own level without threat. Sports coaches provide an assessment for teachers to use at the end of the academic year to base their final year judgements upon.
For the second year in a row, we have had an overwhelming response to sports leader applications and currently 12 sports leaders are out on the playground in the first instance with our youngest learners, leading and developing playground games. .Whilst this is positive so far, children need a little more guidance and support with this on the playground which will happen over the coming months in readiness for Sports day. Sports leaders meet every Wednesday to review and reflect upon the games in the playground.
We have just completed our School Games health check and we have met our development Target through the STEPS approach to be more inclusive for our SEND learners.
Our target is now to maintain the achievements we have made in the last 18 months and the development of more after school PE based clubs.