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Our Wessex family of schools


At Manor Park, we believe that mathematics is essential to everyday life. Our intent is to provide a high-quality mathematics education that ensures all pupils become confident, resilient, and independent mathematicians. We aim to foster a deep understanding of mathematical concepts, develop problem-solving skills, and instil a love for mathematics in our pupils. Our intention is to equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in their future education and beyond.

We believe that every child is unique and capable of making progress in mathematics at their own pace. Our curriculum is designed to be inclusive and promote equality of opportunity, allowing all pupils to reach their full potential. We strive to create an environment where every child feels secure, valued, and supported in their mathematical learning journey.

Our Principles of Effective Teaching and Learning are implemented across all Maths lessons. Our mathematics curriculum is carefully spiralled, structured and sequenced; providing a strong foundation in early maths and building on previous knowledge and understanding.


We follow the National Curriculum expectations as well as aligning with White Rose Maths. Maths knowledge is introduced, modelled and practised in small steps through a Maths Learning Journey. 

Children deepen their understanding of mathematical ideas using a Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract (CPA) approach and teaching is adapted to meet the needs of all pupils. 

All children are taught problem solving skills and are provided with increasingly complex problems regularly throughout the learning journey. Children are supported to reason mathematically using sentence stems and key vocabulary. 

All children are given time to deliberately practise methods and calculations. This ensures they are proficient by being rapid and accurate. 

 Maths curriculum Overviews