At Manor Park, we are committed to providing opportunities for children to develop their musical enjoyment, awareness and skills. Our Music curriculum aims to provide all pupils with a high quality music education which engages and inspires children to develop a life-long love of music, increases their self-confidence, imagination and creativity, and provides opportunities for self-expression and a sense of personal achievement . Children participate in a wide range of activities to develop their talents in all aspects of music including performance, rhythm work, instrumental skills, composition, singing and appreciation. This is through discrete Music lessons but we believe Music should be embedded in all aspects of learning and provide opportunities as part of daily life in the school. Music plays an important role in helping children to feel part of a community. We organise and collaborate in projects to enable children to share their musical skills at different events both inside and outside of school.
We offer a range of additional activities to support our music curriculum. In year 3 children begin learning to play the recorder during their class music lessons. We offer a recorder club for KS2 children to continue to learn to play the recorder if they choose to. We have a school choir open to Years 2, 3 and 4. The children have participated in Assembly performances and have sung at St George’s Christingle service in December. We are currently preparing for the Mother’s day service in March. In the autumn term our key stage 2 children benefited from a workshop led by the Benedetti Foundation. This involved rhythm and percussion based activities. We have recently elected a group of ‘Music Champions’ who will support in leading music across our school, carry out pupil voice and lead in musical activities.