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Our Wessex family of schools


The principal objective of a SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) inspection is to evaluate the distinctiveness and effectiveness of the school as a church school.

Towards this objective, inspectors will consider the following:

  • How the school supports pupils to serve The Common Good in a wider context in line with the Church of England Vision for Education.
  • How the biblical underpinning of the vision is understood and the degree to which it can be articulated by pupils, staff, governors and parents.
  • The extent to which the Christian element of the vision statement is evidenced in the school’s work on social, emotional and cultural learning.
  • The extent of monitoring and evaluation of the school’s Christian ethos, RE and worship and the effectiveness of this in terms of school improvement.
  • The degree to which pupils associate behaviour management systems with Christian teaching and the school’s vision.
  • The impact of collective worship on the whole school community.
  • Pupils’ understanding of prayer.
  • The school’s understanding of spirituality.
  • The degree to which the Christian distinctiveness of the school impacts upon pupils’ understanding of diversity and difference.
  • The extent of moderation in RE teaching.