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Our Wessex family of schools


The Governors of Manor Park First School would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you viewing our website. We believe that school should, first and foremost, be a happy place where children develop a love of learning and their sense of self. We believe that education and the spiritual and moral development of our children is a partnership between home and school and we hope all parents and carers will become fully involved in their child’s development.

Our Governing Body is made up of a group of individuals who work on a voluntary basis. They possess a wealth of skills and experience, and their role is to advise, challenge and support to help ensure that the school is well led and that it continues to move from strength to strength.

We are a strong, supportive Governing Body working in partnership with Mrs. Sterck, our Head of School and the Senior Leadership Team. Together we have a responsibility and commitment to the safety and welfare of the children at the school. This includes reviewing child protection and E-safety practices regularly and having safeguarding training, including Prevent. We also help determine the strategic direction of the school, set priorities for development and perform an ongoing monitoring role to ensure the best outcomes for every child. Additionally, we oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent. In all of these areas we are well supported within the Wessex Multi-academy Trust, and enjoy being a part of the Wessex family of schools.

We have seven full Governing Body meetings per year to discuss key strategic issues and to ensure that we meet our statutory obligations. All minutes of the Governing Body meetings are available for parents on request from the school office.

As Governors, we attend school events as well as visiting during the school day to see the school development plan being implemented. Governors are linked to the School Development Plan key priorities and this ensures we have a clear focus and strategic oversight. It truly is a privilege to be able to come into school and see all the fantastic work being done by the staff and pupils.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the dedicated and hardworking staff, who are committed to providing pupils, of all abilities, with a rich, creative and stimulating learning experience underpinned with our Christian ethos, thus enabling the children to use every opportunity to reach their full potential. Our thanks also extend to our parents and carers, the local parish and the local community for the support and encouragement they give the children and the school.

Please take the time to browse our school website, where you will find more information about our culturally diverse, vibrant, inclusive and caring school which we, as governors, are very proud to be a part of.

Should you wish to contact me, or a member of the governing body, please email our school office and mark your email FAO the Chair of Governors.

Best wishes,

Anna Jackson
Chair of Governors