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Our Wessex family of schools


We are fully committed to provide a broad, knowledge rich, inspiring and challenging curriculum for all our pupils which is underpinned by our experiences and acts of the faith so that they are being equipped with the skills, qualities, resilience and attributes to give them choices, a sense of ambition and guide them to be able to make positive contributions as global citizens. 

Whilst we ensure that there is a broad and rich curriculum, we prioritise and regard the mastering of foundational knowledge as crucial in the younger years. Reading and vocabulary development is an integral part of our curriculum. Pupils from all backgrounds, including those who are disadvantaged, are provided with the tools to access a broad curriculum within a language rich environment. 

Learning is defined as an alteration in long-term memory. If nothing has been altered in long-term memory then nothing has been learned.’ 
Sweller et al. 2011 



In line with the cognitive load theory we aim, through our teaching, to develop understanding by building well-developed schema: through progressively planning and building on previous knowledge, we deliver content and knowledge in small, well sequenced steps and consistently use questioning and feedback to address misconceptions and move learning forward for all pupils.

We favour spaced and distributed learning, where knowledge is rehearsed for short periods over a longer period of time. We aim to ensure retrieval practice is built in to strengthen memory by: providing overviews, calling attention to main ideas, providing daily, weekly and monthly reviews  and re-teach when necessary.

Our Foundation Subjects are taught through a well sequenced blocked approach to allow for effective spaced out learning and contextually enriched to provide all our children with the knowledge, understanding and opportunity to celebrate their own and other heritages, similarities and differences and build up knowledge, a sense of ambition and attributes, underpinned by our faith, which will prepare them for their next steps in life.

YEAR 1 Overview Foundation subjects

YEAR 2 Overview Foundation Subjects

YEAR 3 Overview Foundation Subjects

YEAR 4 Overview Foundation Subjects

Additionally, we teach 20 minutes French in Year 3 and 4, 45 minutes of music, 60 minutes of computing and follow the 'Get Set 4 PE' scheme, which follows our pedagogical understanding of progression, assessment and retrieval.