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Our Wessex family of schools

Governors Profiles



Anna Jackson – Parent Governor
Chair of Governors
Safeguarding and send Link Governor

I am the newly appointed Chair of Governors and have been a governor at Manor Park since July 2018. I am looking forward to this exciting opportunity to work closely with our new headteacher on the journey of improvement that Manor Park is on so that everyone will see what a special place this is. My faith is at the core of everything I do, so I am also enjoying working with the school to ensure we show how Christian values are at the centre of school life.

My background is in teaching and I worked at two local schools before having my own children, and then worked for nearly 9 years in early years as a childminder. I have 3 children, two of whom have been all the way through Manor Park – one is at St Osmund’s and the other at The Thomas Hardye School, and my youngest is here at Manor Park in Year 3. I enjoy going with my family to the beach, when the weather allows, and have recently taken up a new hobby of paddle boarding! In the colder months I love nothing more than putting on the fire and reading a book.




Revd. Cora Yarrien – Foundation Governor
church school link governor

I am an Ex-officio Governor at Manor Park School and also the vicar of St George’s Church, Fordington and St Andrew’s Church, West Stafford.  Since starting as vicar in Dorchester in January 2021 I have been pleased to refresh the community connection between St George’s Church and Manor Park School. Within the governing board I have responsibility and oversight for RE curriculum. I also take a part of school life when I lead Collective Worships and a School services like Christmas, Easter and the Leavers Service. In my leisure time, I like to walk my dogs through the beautiful Dorset Countryside. I am also a fan of crafting and creating so enjoy creative projects that involve knitting, sewing and soap making . I am glad to be volunteering as part of the Governors team and hope to do my part to encouraging Christian distinctiveness, supporting the Staff team, helping children to achieve their potential and inspiring all to learn and grow.



Mark Branson – Co-opted Governor
Leadership and management link governor

I was a parent governor for 4 years in my children’s previous primary school and have now been a governor at Manor Park since 2017.  My daughter attended the school and has now moved on to her next school.

I currently work in the Engineering & Scientific sector and lead teams and projects and hope to bring some of my experience into the Governing body.
I enjoy the outdoors and have two children, both at local middle and upper schools. I really like the people and town of Dorchester and want to ensure the school engage with the local community and events.   I am passionate that all children have a good start to their education and enjoy school life at the same time as making solid progress.  I believe this school has high expectations, a clear vision for continuous improvement and provides all children with a great and happy education.



Eve Summers – Parent Governor
Curriculum Link Governor

I have been a Parent Governor at Manor Park First School since November 2022 and I am enthusiastic about helping the school to improve and grow to achieve its full potential. It is a wonderful school, full of opportunity, and I really value the importance of a great early education for children, which we are all striving to achieve.

My family lives in the Manor Park area of Dorchester so I understand the importance of engaging with the local community. My eldest daughter attended Manor Park First School and has now moved on to St Osmund’s, and my youngest daughter is currently a pupil here.

I have worked in financial services for the last 20 years as a Finance Broker. My job involves managing the head office of our company, and I am also the Compliance Manager for the business. I hope my finance expertise, and extensive knowledge of compliance will assist me in my governing role.

In my spare time I love tennis, reading, baking, and spending time at the beach with my family and friends


Ellen Eager – Co-opted Governor
Finance link governor

I have been a Manor Park parent since 2020 when we relocated to Dorset and have two daughters at the school.  I currently work as an accountant in Children’s Services for Dorset Council and have over 20 years’ experience in various roles including; financial services regulation, financial planning and analysis, consultancy and as a school governor in a large academy secondary school.  I hope to bring my financial skills and school funding knowledge to the board and provide the mix of scrutiny and strategic insight required to support the school through this exciting period of change.





Emma h - STAFF Governor

I am a newly appointed staff governor at Manor Park First School. 

I began my teaching career at a Primary school in Weymouth, teaching in Year 5 and then Year 3. I began with leading Computing across the school and then I rapidly progressed to becoming a Year Leader and Pupil Premium Leader across the school within my first 3 years of teaching. To broaden my experience of working in different schools, I moved to teach at a Primary school on Portland, where I continued to act as a Year Leader and also took on leading Science across the school, as well as developing and leading a successful School Council. Finally, I became a teacher at Manor Park in April 2023 and have been teaching in Year 3, and leading Modern Foreign Languages and Pupil Premium throughout the school. I aspire to become part of the leadership team one day, striving for the best education for children.

I am very much enjoying working alongside our new Head of School and new leadership team to ensure the school is on a journey of rapid progress. I feel I have truly found the school for me and envisage remaining at Manor Park First School for the foreseeable future. 

In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family, especially taking my 2 year old niece to Rugby Tots! Additionally, I am a foster carer, providing respite for children and young people. I am a keen road cyclist and enjoy going for long rides with like-minded friends, especially in the summer months!


Frances Ricardo – Clerk to the Governors

I started the post of Clerk to Governors in September 2023.

Before that, I was a teaching assistant here at Manor Park for 5 years working in Reception and Year 1 and before that, I was the administrator at the pre-school for 4 years.

I have 2 grown up sons both of which attended Manor Park as well as 2 dogs and 4 cats.

In my spare time I enjoy exercise classes such as Zumba and kettlebells and I play in a local ladies skittles team.